Another day, another slog to get myself on the bike. My legs are tired and my mind isn’t in it.
However, once I was on today I enjoyed it.
Mostly though, this was because I spent the entire ride watching GCN’s Zwift Academy 2022 Finale episode. Whilst I think last years series was a better watch, this one was still enjoyable – it’s a shame I got the end result spoiled for me via Google news on my phone.
Anyway, beyond that this one was uneventful.

I’m wondering what to do tomorrow.
Just two more rides left before this challenge is done and I can take a few rest days. But before that I’d like to get out and do a road ride. However the weather is shocking. It’s not cold so much now, just very wet.
If it’s still wet tomorrow, and I think it is going to be, then I will push back to Saturday for the outdoor effort. If not, I might take my chances a day early.
Between then and now I think I’m going to treat myself to a can of beer.