Yesterday was SST at 235w. Today would have ideally been a race, but a couple of things stopped that.

First, I had meetings for a large chunk of the day. Yet again the midday meeting overran my preferred 12:10 / noon start time.
But secondly, and perhaps more importantly, my right knee felt a bit shaky.
I guess that’s a result of yesterday’s workout. I’m kind of not used to those sustained efforts anymore. I won’t keep banging on about it, but no wonder my FTP result was a shocker.
So today, rather than repeat the SST session straight away, I figured I would do an endurance ride and work on my base instead.
All good on that front. A bit dull, but it soon went by.

This one had me doing 6 minutes at 170w with 2 minute breathers between at 120w.
I think that’s down from 180 / 130? I can’t quite remember. The main thing is I am doing it anyway.
The plan is to gradually up the FTP figure on Zwift such that within 6 weeks I am back to around 245w, with the aim to hopefully push to 105% on the workouts later in Quarter 3 to build up the stamina to hit my targets in the FTP Test.
I mean… that’s the theory. How it translates is an entirely different matter. But for now, it’s working.
Also interesting today: a major new feature for Zwift. I’ve just had the email, and have not yet tried this. Have you?
I’m intrigued to say the least.