Oof. These continual endurance rides are driving me a bit potty. Actually, aside from the tight calves, I’ve been feeling decent today. I’ve bought a sit / stand desk and as I type this (and have spent most of today) I am standing up. It’s nice. It’s kinda like typing on a pub bar top. Only with more monitors, and less chance of catching covid. Only… I might have covid already, so … yeah.
Anyway, the point is I have felt good today. My lungs haven’t hurt. I spoke to my wife about it. She has been suffering similarly, and she said today that she was surprised I was still taking it easy. Yes, she doesn’t read this blog. Her loss. Anyway, in her opinion I should be capable of going a bit harder at this point – and if not, maybe I should phone the doctor.

So with that in mind, tomorrow I will likely go for another tempo / green ride. I’ll take a look around and see what fits.
Today I spent 45 minutes “on” in the blue / endurance zone. To keep things more interesting for me, I aimed for 100rpm which went fine enough. I averaged 99rpm for the ride, so I was close. I didn’t find that I missed a 1 or 2 minute recovery period at any point, though likely those are thrown in for sports science reasons I don’t understand. Maybe pedalling away for 45 minutes at one cadence and one wattage isn’t great for the body. Who knows. But I doubt a one off session will do too much harm.
Right, enough waffle from me. That’s day 2 of my advent of cycling complete. Just another 22 to go-ho-ho.