For this morning’s ride I completed a Sweet Spot Training (Short) session on New York’s The 6 Train route. I woke up at 5:25 again, which is something I haven’t done in a while. After lying restlessly for about 40 minutes, I decided to heck with it, get up, get on the bike, and get the day’s workout done and dusted.
I wasn’t the only Brit up and about for a 6am ride. No sir. Surprisingly, several sadists were up and about doing FTP tests. This led to me to thinking: perhaps early morning FTP tests are the way to go. God knows I want as few distractions around me when I’m pushing myself to my limit for 20 minutes solid. Maybe that’s the best way to do it.
Fortunately, I wasn’t doing an FTP test. My primary challenge for the ride was to keep a cadence of around 95rpm. I have to say I struggled with this today, but during the 180w / easier efforts, rather than the 200w / harder efforts that may make more intuitive sense.

Another thing I struggled with today, being as it was that no one in the house was awake, was that I couldn’t put my music on. Therefore I had to literally slog it out in almost silence – I had Zwift sounds on, but on very low. The music I listen to may be repetitive, but it’s sure better than nothing at all.

I had planned on getting up earlier this morning anyway, as I had a job to do at dinner time (lunch time to non-Northerners) which took up more than my usual 30-60 minutes. I mention this as it will have some bearing on tomorrow. I am hoping to get in a longer ride, early tomorrow morning. My current plan is to hit Majorca on RGT Cycling. Something I have been meaning to do for a good few days at this point.

At this stage I haven’t planned much of the week beyond tomorrow. I’m considering getting back on Tacx Software and resuming my hard Sunday morning climbs. I figure if I put some “skin in the game” (as in: pay for the software) then I’m more likely to get out of bed on a Sunday morning and get that workout done.

One thing that has come out of the last 5-7 days for me is a renewed positivity towards certain off-the-bike projects. I’m not sure if this has come about solely because of changing mental attitudes, or whether it’s combined with the physical aspects of not having to get up so early every day, not having to commute, and continuing my bike-based fitness routine. It’s hard to say, but it’s a nice(r) place to be in than where I was a month ago.
OK, back I go to my todo list. Ride on!