An easier ride, for once.
Today was about getting in an hours work, but at low intensity. Pretty much every ride in recent memory has been at tempo or higher, often quite a lot higher. Doing this one felt so chilled by comparison.
About the only thing to report today was towards the end of the ride, the Garmin somehow stopped itself. I’ve never had that before. It only lasted about 5 seconds or so whilst I looked down at the screen and thought… huh, that’s weird. It was like I had pressed pause.
I pressed the start button again and it kicked back in. Zwift showed only a small dip, but the Garmin stats show a much longer break. How odd.
Anyway, I shan’t be losing sleep over it.

Tomorrow is rest day and then Tuesday is probably going to be Race Makuri Stage’s 5 & 6 – they have to be done back to back apparently, so if I’m feeling refreshed than I’ll try my best to smash out the final two.
If not, Tuesday will be another Zone 2 ride with Race Makuri for sure on Wednesday.