Tired today. Not helped by the return of the muggy heat, spiking my room temperature to a frothy 28c average during this ride. The sweat was real.

It was only a few minutes into this SST session that I remembered my plan had been to do another of the Climb Portal rides today. The thing is (or was) that I was preoccupied with some other things on my mind. I got on the bike automatically and just got stuck in before I knew what had happened.
That’s actually probably for the best as generally I was very lacking in energy during this one. It was a hard workout to get through, particularly the last block where I really wanted to end it early. However, as I only had 2.5 minutes to go (plus a bit of cool down) I figured I really should see it through.

A few hours after I got off the bike I went out for a pizza and put back on all those calories, and then some.
Oh well.
Also, it had an almighty thunderstorm, so the ground is soaked / flooded in parts. Will that mean no outdoor ride tomorrow? Very possibly. That will be a shame. I can’t see it drying up between now and then, although if the humidity could do some of the work, then maybe there is hope?
Anyway, I’m tired and full of dough.
Bath time.