More correctly it’s not just the legs. Mentally I am wiped out. It’s been a long two weeks in a way – sleep pattern totally messed up with interviewing and waiting and whatever. But hopefully that’s all at an end now… so just a week to recover and then start work again, give or take.
All of this has some relevance in that on Thursday this week, rather than go on Zwift or head outdoors on the bike, I went for a walk instead. I wanted to get away from the PC, but as it was incessantly drizzling I knew if I went out I’d get soaked through and, worse, I would need to wash the bike again.
Being lazy, I opted for just the soaking and so took myself off on what I thought would be a 1 hr / 6 km walk. It turned into 1.5 hours / 8 km. Also I wore some new walking boots, to bed them in, and as such got blisters in numerous places – heels, toes, and ankles. Lovely job.
I can handle all that.

What I wasn’t expecting though was how tight my calves have felt on Friday and then into this morning. I’m hobbling around the house like a granddad.
I figured this might impact the cycling – but no. Thankfully, and in hindsight obviously, it’s different muscles. If it were my cycling muscles then I would very much likely have noticed nothing. So it turned out cycling was unaffected.
But that’s not to say this was an easy session.

Pre-ride I found out I hadn’t done an SST session since 4th December. I was grumpy that day, it seems. Not quite sure why. If I had to guess it’s because I hated my job at that point and it was my birthday on the 5th. I got an unwarranted bollocking the next day, a great start to my 40th year on this little insignificant rock, but at least I can look back now with a wry smile and thank myself for jacking that junk right in.
Fortunately 2 and a bit months on, I’m in a far better place. Sure, the bank balance took a beating, but I’d do it again without question.
Life’s good.
Tired legs. Big smile.
Just need a lottery win and then all of that can be put to bed for good. Man, I’d sleep like a baby.