Felt good pre ride. Felt good during the ride. Have felt good after the ride. All in all, feels good man.
About the only downside from today was that I have a big blister on my right heel from walking to the car garage the other day. Yep. Such is life. I do so little walking these days that my lovely soft skin has become highly susceptible to blistering when forced into mild activity. Anyway, it didn’t hurt so much after the first 5 mins, but it’s swelled up rather juicily since.

Today’s ride was different than the most recent affairs as I switched to a more intensive workout. Still all endurance / blue zone stuff, but pushing closer to 500 calories for the hour rather than the 350 to low 400s I have been doing. It genuinely felt good to be back doing something that actually made me break a sweat.
I think tomorrow will be a rest day. I’ve done a decent amount this week and I’m happy enough with my progress. I’m desperately trying not to let all my hard work atrophy as much as possible. Hopefully even my vastly reduced efforts are significantly better than nothing at all. Time will tell.