Not the ride I wanted to do today.
For work reasons, I had to start early this morning. Then someone booked me in a meeting for 12:45.
As I’m away on Wednesday with work, I wanted to do my first Zwift ride today so as not to mess up the week. Ideally that would have been the Stage 2 Standard ride of the current Tour of Watopia 2023 event.
Unfortunately I missed it.

Not sure how, but I was running late and by the time I got on, it had set off.
I’m actually surprised they don’t allow late joins in the ToW rides. It feels like that would be a more inclusive approach?
Anyway, they don’t. So I missed the ride I wanted to do.
Disappointed. I instead did my SST session, and eughhh that was a slog. A wet horrible slog. All I had with me was a tea towel I’d found on the floor and that very quickly became drenched. By the third block I had a saturated towel that was doing absolutely nothing to stop the flow.
Good times.

In some ways I’m glad to have that one out of the way. I wasn’t planning on nailing the ToW ride, just a fairly relaxed pace. It’s triple flat loops as far as I am aware, so ~36km should be more than achievable in the hour with a big group.
So I’ll do that tomorrow lunch time.
Then as I say I am away Wednesday. Technically a ‘recovery’ day, but it won’t be. 5 hours in the car, plus a full work day is not recovery. It’s physically and mentally exhausting.
Got to get those race excuses in early.