My mind comes up with some unusual things. Tender stem broccoli … never eaten it, as far as I know. But that’s what my brain told me my legs were feeling like when I set off on this ride.
Unfortunately I didn’t get chance to do a race today. It was always going to be a long shot really, as the races I had in mind set off at 12:00, and 12:10 respectively. Ideally I wanted to do the Crit City race at midday, but as is so often the case, I got a Team’s call at ~11:40 that overran.
Anyway, I said if I didn’t get chance to do the race I’d pick a hard workout and do that instead. Well, by the time I got off the meeting I was in I didn’t have much more than an hour and a half before my next meeting, in which time I needed to ride & eat lunch.
Sweet Spot Training to the rescue.
Searching the routes after picking the SST session, I found a “Triple Flat Loops” ride in Watopia that I hadn’t done before.
34km in 50 minutes… could it be done?
Well it certainly couldn’t be done outdoors. At least, not by me.
But on Zwift, you never know.

I’ll spoil it for you though, I didn’t manage it. Had I had the time to spare I might have continued on and seen the route badge ticked off, but not today. By the end of the regularly scheduled activities I’d had my fair share of exercise for the day.
Maybe, just maybe, I’ll have another session tomorrow. It depends on how my day pans out. I’m busy now though – super busy for the next 7 days, give or take. My ToDo list is literally a side of A4, and sadly there’s more than one thing to do per line … grumble grumble.
A week of no rides, everything ok?
Yeah, just back from holiday 😀
Didn’t want to put on here that I would be away. Back now though and have to work off the buffet belly. Riding will recommence shortly.