For yesterday evening’s ride I opted to repeat Week 3 Day 3 of Zwift’s 10-12 Week FTP Builder program.
This is a light exercise, spinning at a low wattage but at a high cadence. I like it as it feels like a decent exercise without being overly taxing.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I could not get either Apple devices I had available to get the Zwift Companion App to realise I was “in-game”. Therefore, I couldn’t easily take screenshots.
Instead, I had to use the computer keyboard, which gives some extra options, but also makes things more difficult in some ways. What I found was that I accidentally U-turned about 4 times on this ride whilst trying to take a screenshot.

And on the screenshot front, about half way through the ride, the ability to take a screenshot just stopped working. Bit disappointing.
However, in using the computer keyboard, there are some additional camera angles available, including a “free camera”, which you can control with the arrow keys. Kinda cool.

I opted to do this workout on the London map taking in Box Hill. As this was a structured workout, I didn’t see my time for the climb, though I do believe the time is logged anyway behind the scenes. I imagine it was a slow one 🙂

As I write this the following day, I’m unsure if I am going to get a ride in this evening. I have another commitment later this evening which may mean time is restricted for the day. If I do get to ride, it will likely only be for 30 minutes or so.

I had this in mind when choosing this workout. I wanted to get a good hour in, and a structured workout is a great way to get a set amount of time on the bike.

There’s definitely an element of frustration felt when doing a structured workout and hitting a hill. I have the impulse to kick in and climb harder. And it’s annoying when someone goes past you at pace and you’re stuck at the speed you’re at, not allowed to try to keep on their wheel. Oh well.

Anyway at this point the screenshot facility seemed to give up. I could stick click the button but nothing happened. Maybe something was amiss at Zwift HQ yesterday evening. Bugs ahoy.

This graph looks alarmingly similar to last time, even down to the average heart rate.
As I opted to hit a hill, rather than Watopia Flat like last time, I only managed 27km rather than the 30+ I covered previously. Again, this is highlighting the rather pointless 100km per week goal I have set for myself, in my opinion.

Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Perhaps the thing I’m most happy with on this ride was keeping a high average cadence. I know being in the small ring, spinning at low resistance, etc etc, but still, keeping those legs moving at ~90rpm for an hour is good enough for a Tuesday night in my book.

And that was that. Uneventful, aside from the Apple / App troubles.