The first of today’s two workouts was The Volcano:

I’ve chosen to do the shorter workouts as then I can do two a day as I’m pressed for time now to get all the Zwift Academy 2022 rides done by this Sunday.
The plan is to go back and do the longer versions of these rides once there’s no time pressure on me to hit the virtual cut off point.

By sheer stroke of luck, rides #3 and #4 are the shortest of the short workouts. That suited me fine as I needed to fit these in on my dinner hour.
At 33 minutes for this one, and 30 minutes for #4, this just about squeezed in.
Not taking into account the warm up periods, combining the two activities today came to 36 minutes of total activity over the 63 minutes ridden. I think that’s correct… maybe it’s 46 minutes. The thing is, I just did the maths in my head and then immediately forgot whether it was 36 or 46, and now I can’t be bothered to redo it.

The toughest part of this one was most definitely the tiny gaps between each of the intervals.
Just 30 seconds to recover and then it was back in to it.
But with only 3 intervals to cover, and with plenty of easy riding between the warm up, first interval, and then the second proper set, it wasn’t too taxing either.

That said, I came off after the first 33 minutes very wet indeed.
That’s the turbo for you.
I was also feeling tired enough in the legs that I thought… shall I just go and have my sandwiches now and then do another ride tomorrow?
But no, common sense prevailed. Get it done and out the way.

The longer variant of this is to repeat the “main block” / 3 repeats twice.
Even with that it looks as though there’s a healthy recovery chunk between the two sets.
I’m going to say this was a 6 out of 10, and I don’t see that changing on the longer variant. But it will be interesting to compare.

OK, so that was workout #3.
Off to workout #4.