Sad times. The end of the Zwift Spring Training workout series is finally here. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my weekly workouts with a good few regular faces. But all good things must come to an end.

In the perfectly named “Final Send” workout, today we would be doing 30 second anaerobic intervals at 163% FTP. Even though we would only have 4 of these, for a grand total of 4 minutes hard work during the session, I knew they wouldn’t be easy.
Here’s the best graph / chart to show what was in store:

One thing today was that I was late on to the bike. I got in to Zwift with about 3 minutes to spare, but that was only in as far as the main menu. Recent changes to the home screen meant I couldn’t find the event from there, so had to go in game to then load up the correct map via the Companion App. Not ideal.
What this led to was a late join, which, thankfully, went off without any problems.

I did, however, have a visual glitch that stuck with me throughout the workout. Every so often a solid black square would flicker over the bunch. I’m guessing that was the elastic banding point, keeping the workout group together. It was quite annoying, but at least the ride didn’t crash for me.

Ahead of time I’d looked at this workout on the Companion App and the overview there isn’t as good as WhatsOnZwift’s view above. As it was, I thought we were doing 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.
That would have been brutal.

As it was, the 1 minute recoveries between those 30 second bursts hardly felt enough as it was. Somehow it felt like the 30 seconds on lasted longer than the minute off. At least, the second 15 seconds of the ‘on’ block was tough going.
Overall I feel like this was a pretty solid workout. But it wasn’t the hardest workout in the series.
Will this have done anything to help my sprinting?
I’d argue not. I was seated for all the efforts, which I wouldn’t be for a true sprint.
But has it done anything to help my overall fitness?
Probably. The series as a whole has been enjoyable. Different. And social. I’ve enjoyed it. I will be genuinely sad not to have this to look forward to next week.

Hopefully Zwift see the attendance figures and look to set up some kind of monthly series, a lot like their Zwift Racing events which I also really enjoy. Regular group workouts like this, run by Zwift themselves, could be a real strong addition to the platform, in my opinion.
Fingers crossed that we get something new to replace this in the near term future.