A little while back, Zwift revamped their workouts menu. Shortly after that, I noticed they had a variety of either new, or more likely more prominent Sweet Spot Training (SST) workouts available.
Typically I will do the SST Short workout, which is:
- 4x 5min @ 96% FTP
- 4x 5min @ 88% FTP

It’s a decent, sweaty session, but one that isn’t so taxing that it kills you.
Today’s workout was one of the variations of that… albeit a bit easier, in my opinion.
Because the ramps are harder to describe with words than pictures, I will instead show you the visual from one of my favourite third party Zwift sites, Whats On Zwift:

I wanted to take a screenshot from inside Zwift of this one, but after exiting Zwift it hadn’t saved it properly. Ahh well.
The on-screen prompts for this workout say that it’s three repeats of the same block.
It’s not.
The first one is slightly easier, as it starts at a lower intensity and as such is marginally less work. But it’s hard to say it was noticeable overall.

Another thing about this workout is it has cadence targets.
I wasn’t actually looking for that. And not at the cadences this one wants.
My aim this past couple of weeks has been to lower my cadence and work on those muscles instead of the spinny ones I have focused massively. I guess another session at 95rpm won’t do me any harm, but I wish Zwift had called that out ahead of me getting 10 minutes into the session.

Overall then, this ones not too bad really. Easier than the SST Shorter, but not easy easy. It’s an alright workout but I probably won’t rush back to it.