With just three more riding days remaining I am hoping for some kind of second third fourth wind to kick in and see me through.
Of all the days so far, today was the hardest.
With the Zwift Less than 30 minutes to burn workouts, most of them involve some kind of threshold or greater activity. It’s all about bang for your buck. But I want, or perhaps more accurately need only recovery right now.

In hindsight a better bet would have been to do a custom workout and set my own pace. But instead I went for a repeat of Control The Burn, a very short (15 minute) workout that is a selection of ramps.
Last time I did this one I had so many connection issues. Fortunately today everything went smoothly… apart from the feelings in my legs which were stiff as all heck right from the off.
It didn’t help that around 10am this morning I had a recruiter on who told me I would have a first stage phone interview today. Very short notice. Asked for some times I was available, I completely forgot about my Zwifting and said, oh yeah, I’m free till 4pm.

Well, after that – and up unto this very moment – I have been waiting. But I couldn’t relax during the ride as if this guy had called then I would have had to answer the phone out of breath or whatever.
Anyway, he didn’t ring. Still hasn’t. Time is ticking!
Given how I’ve felt today I’m expecting tomorrow isn’t going to be a huge improvement. But you never know. I didn’t sleep for long enough last night, maybe that has played into it, too.
We shall see.