Phew. I knew this one was going to be a bit of a chore when the very first interval bit harder than I was expecting. In fact, you know you’re in for a shift when you’re already getting hot and bothered in the warm up ramp.
However, with daddy day care on the horizon later in the evening (as I write this the kids are finally in bed), I knew this wouldn’t be the most physically demanding activity I’d be doing today.
Going into this one, off the back of yesterday’s Norseman ride, I wasn’t actually feeling that bad. Mentally I was sorted, and it was around lunch time so it was as good a time of the day as any. But physically the stats say I was operating at a stressed level today. Not surprised.
One thing I might have done better with today was keeping a slightly lower cadence. Averaging 97rpm for the ride, this was on the high side and contributed, no doubt, to a real sense of fatigue.
However, even though I was hurting almost from the off, I was never really in doubt of seeing it through. It would just be a long 50 minutes… well 40 minutes, if you only factor in the actual work.
Anyway, going to shut up now. Got other things left to do on my daily big list of fun. One saving grace is I’ve earned my “recovery” ride tomorrow. Deep joy.