For this afternoon’s ride I opted for an SST session, hitting Yorkshire’s Tour of Tewit Well route.
The big “mistake” as such I made on this one was to go at too high a cadence. For whatever reason I couldn’t seem to stop myself from spinning closer to 100rpm – averaging 99rpm for the ride – whereas I would typically aim for 95rpm.
This made things harder than they needed to be.

Because this is a reverse route, for once, the route wasn’t ridiculously busy. Since lockdown started, every ride seems to have become like the M6 motorway at rush hour. It was quite refreshing to be a little less jam packed.
During the ride the postman arrived with the new blinds for the upstairs windows. How is this relevant, I hear you ask. Well, let me tell you:
In order for me to move my bike from its current position in the dining room, to the new position in my office, I first need to move my office downstairs into what is currently my kids bedroom.
In order for the kids to come upstairs, they need to not be awoken at 5am by the rising sun. So the arrival of said window blind allows me to make progress on this front. I’m contemplating setting up a streaming environment to make my rides a little more interactive. I like the idea of that, but have no idea how realistic it will be in practice.
What moving rooms does mean though is that I can use my main computer for Zwifting, and use the current computer I use for Zwifting as my streaming / recording PC. This should resolve issues I’ve had with recording other cycling apps – Tacx Software, I’m looking squarely at you.
I’ve had a few private questions as to why I have ads on this site.
The main question is: how much money do I earn running ads on the site?
I’m honestly not sure if I’m allowed to share exact figures, due to Google Adsense rules and that. I’d need to check that out. But I’m sure I can give you a rough figure:
Not enough to pay for my monthly Zwift subscription.
I figured I’d mention this here so I can refer back to this post when asked in the future.
But why I run ads is for a different reason, which I will go into at another time. It’s not to do with the money – because as above, there’s not a very compelling reason to do so!

I’m contemplating a race as tomorrow’s ride. I’ve not yet looked as to what’s available, but quite fancy a smash / getting smashed on Crit City.
I feel it would be a solid baseline as to my current peak fitness.
Plus it’s ages since I’ve done one.
We shall see.

Outside of Zwift I still have an absolute raft of business related tasks to get through, so don’t have a huge amount of time to dedicate to riding / blogging / vlogging this week. Also, the weather has taken a serious down turn so outdoors is off the cards.
On the plus side my new chain is due tomorrow, so hoping to get that on and fix up my gearing issues.