It’s been three months since my last SST session. I’d not forgotten how much fun they can be though.
And by fun I do mean those first two minutes of adjusting to hard work that then lasts another 38 minutes.
Fortunately I was well prepared.
Back pain? Gone.
Towel, water bottle, selection of junk lined up on YouTube… all present and correct.
So just the need to keep those pedals turning over for 40 minutes then.

Throughout the Zwift Academy I’d thought that comparatively their workouts were not as hard as an SST session. I’d still stand by that. I guess the idea with SST is that it’s sufficiently tiring but you’re never truly at risk of not making it, so long as your committed to seeing it through.
Anyway, I picked a route I thought was going to take me up one of the two larger London climbs today. (Prue) Leith or Keith (Chegwin).
Turns out that whilst Zwift said I hadn’t done this route before (and therefore not got the badge), I’m sure this is one I’ve done many times before. Basically a lap of London and then a jaunt up Box Hill. Feels like I used to do this one a lot.

I’d switched over to Ethernet cable today so was happy enough that I had absolutely not connection issues or drop outs whatsoever. Hoping all that’s done and dusted with now.
Tomorrow morning I’m aiming to get in at least an hour with a Pace Partners ride around the Volcano circuit. Not sure how that’s going to play out yet, but I’m hoping to find something between 2.5-3.2w/kg and sit in. I’m interested to see how that plays out in terms of calorie burn.
But for now, it’s bath time.