The second of today’s two Zwift Academy Road 2022 rides was the fun sound Depleting Workout:

With workout #3 done, I guess I was already feeling kinda depleted. More so than I suspect they had in mind for most people doing the workout.
Being a bit of a chimp I hadn’t realised the first three blocks were descending in watts but increasing in time.
Fortunately they weren’t overly long.

After the first big effort I was alarmingly fine.
Already well warmed up, I noticed my breathing / heart rate had barely moved.
Alas, that did not continue for the next two efforts.
By the third push I was back to dripping wet. Lovely stuff.

I think this kind of workout suits me best. The long, fairly hard (but not overly so) steady effort.
Perfect for the turbo.
I was a little worried that whilst only 225w / 92% FTP, that I would definitely be feeling knackered by the middle / end of it because of the previous workout in the legs.
That turned out not quite to be the case.

I was definitely tired by the end of it. No question.
But most of the fatigue was mental… and also physical, but in my ass.
Having done three rides in a row, I was down to my cheapo bib shorts that I got from Amazon way back when. The padding on them has gone, so it becomes uncomfortable quick. More so indoors actually, as there’s so much more… moisture 🤢

Anyway, yeah, I’d have to say this one was another 6 out of 10 in terms of difficulty.
The gaps between the efforts was short, but the 225w / 10 minute segment just wasn’t overly taxing.
By comparison I’d say an SST session is an 8/10 for me.
Looking at the longer variant of this ride, we would repeat that effort twice. I do think that would make this one closer to a 7/10.
Maybe if we then did 10 minutes at FTP then this would be more serious.

But anyway, I’m glad to get two of the 6 done, taking me to 4 done in total and 2 remaining.
The plan is to do shorter workouts #5 and #6 on Saturday. I get longer then so can squeeze in that longer session length.
And then Sunday it’s time for the Finish Line.
I mean… the chances of me seeing any improvement are slim.
I’d guess I’m going to come out slightly worse off because of fatigue.
But we shall see.
Little bit of autumnal inspiration. Rab did the West Highland Way in in 9hr 14 mins, a record. Tragically, he passed away in his sleep last month at the age of 37.
Thanks for sharing. I will watch both whilst on my endurance session this week 👍