It might not have been the world’s most intensive workout, but getting my fat, lazy backside on the bike on day one of 2021 was “good enough”.
I’ve been refraining from weighing myself during December. Why? No idea. I have gotten out of the habit of doing so. So during this ride I made the decision to get myself weighed, giving me a starting point for the year.
What was the outcome?
10 stone 8lb / 67kg.
That’s up from 10 stone 4lb (65kg), last time I did a weigh in.
What this means is I’ve definitely lost a bit of power, as I still believe my FTP is accurate – however, I guess now I’m having to work slightly less intensively to reach the same power output. Or maybe I’m wrong. What’s a kilogram between friends?
Not that I’m overly concerned by any of this, honestly. I feel a touch of weight gain – up to 10 stone 10lb, or max 68kg would be a good range for me.

I had planned on taking it fairly easy today. Pre-ride, in my head, I was expecting to do one of the FTP Builder blue zone interval rides. But when I got on Zwift, I mis-clicked and figured the workout I’d found – 10-12wk FTP Builder Week 8 Day 2 – looked more interesting for roughly the same intensity, and importantly, the same time (60 minutes).
What did suck about this ride was that, because the requirement is to suddenly spin up from 114w to 222w in my case, I found my right knee started hurting about midway through. Hopefully I’ve not done any lasting damage there.
Along the way today I watched two GCN videos. Both interesting and fun to watch. One of them was Endurance Tortoise Vs Aero Hare | Who Can Ride The Furthest? – a challenge style video which I always find I enjoy.
The other video was Road Cyclists Vs Triathletes | Rouvy Hill Climb Challenge – another challenge video (as the title suggests), but this time also covering Rouvy, an indoor cycling program I have yet to try. They had a race up Cheddar Gorge, and there’s a 14 day trial where you can also race their ghost. I don’t expect I can come close to their time, but the idea of Rouvy looks more appealing to me than The Sufferfest, if I’m being completely honest.
So I think I’m going to give it a go. What the heck, it’s free, right?
OK, so all being well, tomorrow will be a Rouvy ride.
I’m not entirely sure how easy it is to screenshot Rouvy. We shall find out in good time.
It looks kinda like a cross between Zwift and Tacx Software, so I’m really looking forward to giving it a bash.