Tuesday used to be race day. I think for the foreseeable future it’s going to switch to SST day.
This should mean it’s SST Tuesday (Sweet Spot Tuesday, got a nice ring to it), then an endurance ride on Wednesday / tomorrow, with the weekly race then taking place on a Thursday.
I feel this gives me the best setup – partly because work commitments every other week mean Tuesday and Wednesday can be hit or miss with regards to making the 12:10 race start time. But Thursday is almost always clear.
So that’s the new plan, which is nice.
Today was therefore an SST ride, and regardless of doing these at a lower FTP than I have been at my peak, they still have a knack of taking it out of me. That’s why I need the ‘recovery’ Wednesday, amongst other things.

Overall though, a good session today to kick off the week. I can feel it in the legs still, 5+ hours later.
There’s not much I can do during these sessions. On the endurance rides I can get away with reading a book, but the higher intensity sessions take concentration. So it was head down, tunes on, and see it through.
Which I did.
Maybe do another one of these on Saturday, but I’m probably going to do one of the new climbs instead. Have to see how that goes.