I don’t particularly like running.
Never have.
Probably never will.

Yet each fortnight, at work, we have the end of our two week sprint. I don’t really know why we call them sprints, when you cannot possibly go hell for leather for such a prolonged period of time. Just try it on the bike. Do a 2 week full gas effort, and see where you get.
Anyway, for said reasons, today has been a tough one to slot in a ~50 minute ride, along with eating and showering… and trying to get the needed work done besides.
Such as it was, the main thing on my mind throughout today’s workout was … work.
That sucks. It’s important to switch off.

But I still haven’t had chance yet to properly switch off. I’ve not yet finished all the days tasks. At least I have done the workout. Though I still haven’t posted pictures of the refreshed bike.
Hopefully I will get to that tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I am planning to do Stage 1 ‘medium’ ride of the Tour of Watopia 2023. That will be my first ride, but I do plan to do the longer ride on Saturday. I’m quite looking forwards to that. Both of them.
Anyway, for now I need to crack on with the rest of the ‘todo’ list. Pah.