For tonight’s ride I opted for a repeat of one of the previous FTP Builder sessions I’ve done before:
- 6 minutes @ 130w
- 2 minutes @ 100w
Repeated 6 times.

After Sunday’s ride I was in too minds all day as to whether to take on a more intensive session (likely SST), or go for an easier / active recovery session.
When it came down to it, all I was up for was the easier ride. So I guess I have a harder session to look forward to tomorrow… and on Thursday. Lucky me.

When it came down to it, this session went by fairly quickly. I was up to the 4th of 6 blocks by the time I started to get bored.
Part of my problem at the moment is I spend all day listening to music – largely in order to drown out the relentless chatter of an open plan office environment. Who thought putting programmers in such an noisy space would yield positive results?
I digress.
The issue being that by the time I get home, I am really quite bored of all the usual fare (mainly techno, tbh) that I would typically listen to on the bike. So finding music to keep me entertained for another hour or so is kinda challenging.

What I tend to do on these easier rides is dig into Duolingo. As a result, my Dutch is coming along rather well, dankjewel.
That was how I killed the first 3 blocks of time, so by that point I only had 30 minutes left.
Also by that point my arse was so numb I had to change my position and actually use the handlebars.

The rest of the ride went by uneventfully. Until, that is, right at the end.
Just as I came to a stop and had dismounted, I was doing my usual post ride process of screen capturing the various end of ride info when boosh, out went the power.
Full on power cut.
I’d only managed to save two of the usual four screenshots.

After a bit of a freak out (wife + kids, I was less concerned), I figured out it wasn’t a street-wide thing – always a bonus. A trip to the circuit breaker revealed, long story short, the cooker had tripped the electrics. Don’t ask me how, as dammit Jim, I’m a software developer, not a sparky.
Anyway, very fortunately, the tea was just about ready so by the time I’d jostled with the plugs and stuff, I managed to get power restored and into the shower just before my tea was starting to go cold.
I’m not quite sure how, but Zwift had managed to capture my .fit
file, even though I didn’t manage to complete the end of ride auto-upload to Strava / Training Peaks. I was therefore able to upload the file to both sites, albeit manually. Oof.

All in all, whilst the ride was uneventful, the post ride process today was a bit bonkers. Let’s hope for less of that, and certainly, let’s hope British Gas can sort out the cooker situation before the 25th.
Tomorrow night will be a bit more intensive… so, until then, ride on.