Georgia Simmerling’s Pride Ride 2020 (D)

This afternoon I managed to get in both an outdoor and indoor ride, coming to a combined total of about 1h 35m, covering ~50km. Unfortunately I only had about 5 hours sleep last night, so I’m knackered right now. This one’s going to be short as a result. I started off outdoors. The reasoning for … Read more

Outdoor Sweet Spot Training

For this afternoon’s ride I wanted to get in one last outdoor session before the weather takes a down turn. Although, that said, tomorrow is still expected to be another 24c day, but this time… with showers. Fair enough, saves on watering the lawn. Not that I do that, but … well, ya’ know. Anyway, … Read more

Indoor Outdoors: Doesn’t Work

Well, I messed up on today’s ride. Somehow or other I managed to set my Garmin to my Indoor profile, then happily set off outdoors. Bad times. Long story short, the first 20km of my ride didn’t track… well, it did, but only the calories. Unfortunately the GPS etc didn’t work. I knew something was … Read more