Murder in NYC

Wow. Wow and OMG. Emily tried to kill me Yesterday I started on Zwift’s Cycling 101 Training Plan. I found it a bit lacking in punch, though to be fair, it is based off my overall FTP, which Zwift has currently estimated at 127w. Me, being a man, believed that I knew better than Zwift. … Read more

Girl, Look At That Body – I Work Out!

Yesterday was my first rest day. Whilst I would like to say I had a lovely extra half an hour asleep, the truth is my kids woke me at the usual ridiculously early hour, and I’m guessing 6am is now the new normal. Without the morning’s exercise, I felt frustrated. Partly this is because I … Read more

The Last 100m

Today was London day again on Zwift. And we started off in the rain. Quite fitting really. I wonder if it’s sync’d up to the real world weather? I suspect not. Being completely honest, I could not be bothered this morning. I woke up late, partly due to my eldest waking up at 6am and … Read more

Completing The Greater London Loop

I was left feeling frustrated on Sunday when I rode the Greater London Loop, but didn’t fully complete the circuit. Today, I corrected this mistake. I wasn’t really sure what I was hoping to achieve this morning. Just a regular 20 minute ride would suffice. I also didn’t realise it would be London day on … Read more