Crashed Out of Tour of Watopia: Stage 3

Sad times. I got up especially early this morning – 7.30am on a bank holiday Saturday #dedicated – and got onto the Tour of Watopia 2019 – Stage 3 (Group Workout Gone Wild!). Things started off great. There was a fairly decent amount of people online for this ride – about 230 give or take … Read more

15km of Innsbruckring: Rest Required

Three days into the week, and already 5 rides. Phew. Partly this is due to my rather silly attempt at the British Cycling Ride Seven Challenge. Why this event in particular? My two reasons are really sporting: I like the colour scheme of the badge I want a badge. Any badge. It’s frankly quite unlikely … Read more

Late Night Reverse Volcano Spin

Having finally ‘finished’ a personal coding project I’ve been working on for over 10 months at about 20:30 last night, I decided the best way to celebrate was with a 15km / 30 minute spin on Zwift. This is huge progress for me. I’ve successfully gamified getting fit. Normally my go to reward for finishing … Read more

No Third Star For You

With two rides under my belt yesterday, this morning’s legs felt a little dicey. I didn’t really want to think about what I was doing, but instead, let Zwift take the reins and I’d just follow along. I assume, a bit like a beginner jockey on a horse. As such I opted for Jon’s Short … Read more