Off On The Right Foot

After I got off the bike on Saturday I really felt the need to take a break. The thought of a hard climb on Sunday morning just didn’t appeal. And I skipped it. No regrets here, as covered in the weekly review. Rest days are important, and I’m not trying to become something I’m not, … Read more

30km On The Flats

For this evenings ride I took on a Sweet Spot Training workout, using Fuego Flats route to clock up as many kilometers as possible during the workout. Yesterday was an intensive yet low distance start to the week, so I have plenty of catching up left to do. There really isn’t too much to report … Read more

Group Workout – Cruise Intervals #1

This morning I took part in the Cruise Intervals #1 Zwift group workout on London’s Classique circuit. I’ve had a frustrating start to the week in terms of cycling and I’m not sure this was the very best way for me to get back on track. Simply put, late night work commitments wiped me out … Read more

Friday Night SST

Well, Thursday night’s ride went out of the window. This was due to some work related commitments. By the time I’d finished up, it was time for tea, and after tea I never want to get on the bike. So here we are, Friday night, where I’d really rather not ride the bike and instead, … Read more

Sweaty Sweet Spot Training

Tonight I opted for another bout of Sweet Spot Training (Short). I’ve said it before and I’ll likely say it again: This is a solid, sweaty workout. A great way to put in 50 minutes on the bike. I wasn’t really in the mood for getting on the bike tonight. Even with last night’s recovery … Read more