Zwift Academy 2019 Workout #4: Anaerobic Power Development

For this evening’s ride I took on Zwift Academy 2019 Workout #4: Anaerobic Power Development. After yesterday’s workout repeat, it felt good to get another of the Zwift Academy 2019 workouts done and in the books. Ok, so straight up: I thought this one was going to be easy. The workout plan, on “paper”, looks … Read more

Oops I Did It Again

Silly me. I had planned on riding solo to cover Zwift Academy #4, but instead, saw that another group workout was just about to start. So I jumped in. And lo-and-behold, it turned out to be a repeat of Zwift Academy 2019 Workout #1: Threshold Development. That’s not such a bad thing – it was … Read more

Indoor Cycling – Weekly Review August 12th – August 18th 2019

Each week Zwift sends me an email summarising my activity for the week. For previous weekly reviews click here. This week consisted of 5 rides, four of which were Zwift structured workouts. I managed: two workouts from the 10-12 Week FTP Builder program a Zwift Academy 2019 workout Jon’s Short Mix a Zwift Academy 2019 … Read more

Zwift – 10-12wk FTP Builder Week 5 Day 5 – Optional

For this ride I wanted something “light”. Something nice and easy, but still putting in a bit of time. Zwift’s 12 Week FTP Builder Week 5 Day 5, an optional workout, seemed to fit the bill perfectly. I’m not sure if the FTP bump from yesterday changed things a touch for me. These previous blue … Read more