3R PedalPlay EVOLVE Interval Ride [~2.9-3.2 w/kg avg] (C)

Tonight was my first time taking part in a 3R PedalPlay EVOLVE Interval Ride ~2.9-3.2 w/kg group ride. This wasn’t a workout, but a ride with a fence and a ride leader. Before going any further I should say I’ve been flirting with the idea of using the Peloton app as a sort of guided … Read more

Zwift Academy Road: Workout 4 | Anaerobic Resilience

For tonight’s ride I continued on with the Zwift Academy 2020 series, this time with workout 4 – taken as a group ride – and covering Anaerobic Resilience. I’m sure you know exactly what this means, as did I, so I won’t bother explaining. Arf. Anaerobic power is what you need for short explosive efforts … Read more

Lunch Time Fat Burner

Wow wee. I am knackered. That was absolutely killer. There are plenty of people who bash Zwift workouts. And maybe rightly so. I’m not a professional, I’m not a racer, I don’t really know the good training programs or workouts from the bad. But sweet spot training has to be one of the best bang … Read more

Zwift Academy Road: Workout 3 | VO2 Capacity

After work this afternoon I started my week’s riding with Zwift Academy Road: Workout 3 | VO2 Capacity, my fourth Zwift Academy 2020 ride, and I would say it ranks up there in second spot in terms of difficulty. I’d put the first workout in the top spot in terms of difficulty (again, so far) … Read more